Joy for work. Bleh.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
11:21 AM
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Listening to: Love Scream Party by SuG Mood: Excited
Yesterday I was suppose to write a blog entry about work but poor Katie texted me around 11:00 PM saying that she is locked out of her house, and the keys to her car were inside the house. I went to pick her up instead of writing. And she ended up staying the night as well, not that I minded at all. She's my best friend and I would do anything for her.
Anyway, back to the main topic of the blog entry. I had to work last night for a concert by an old band known as The Moody Blues. They were about a 60-70s band, or a Hippie band, to make a more visual understand of what type of band they are. Not that I minded the music, I actually enjoyed it. It was pretty groovy. (I guess I really am a Hippie like everyone calls me...). But only three of the original band members were there, and four other members that were obviously younger.
Honestly though, I find it nice that the band is still surviving after about forty years (possibly more), still finding new, younger people that can keep this type of music going in this generation.
But half way through the concert I found myself talking to my coworker about music. She was asking what type of music did the average teenager listen to now a days (she is much older than me, and older than my parents). I laughed at that, telling her I didn't listen to the normal stuff a teenager does (well... I guess I should refer to myself an adult now since I am eighteen... but it still has that teen in it!!). I listen to a lot of foreign music, mainly JRock, JPop, and a lot of Celtic/Irish type of music like Enya.
But I told her I was going to see An Cafe in a few weeks, and just thinking about got me really excited and riled up. She actually laughed at me, and pointed out my grin, she could easily tell that I was really excited. After that I couldn't stop thinking about the concert, even doing my job I kept thinking 'This is what the usher is going to do to me when I go to the House of Blues.' I also made a mental note to be really nice to the HoB ushers and thank them, since I understand what's going through their minds with this type of stuff. The smallest thank you, or just being polite to them helps them out a lot and makes their night way easier.
At the end of the night, out of nowhere I decided to work on my posture. I was in charge of the front doors, while people are leaving I'm suppose to thank them and wish them a good night. Before the very end of the concert I put my feet together, stood up straight, shoulders slightly back and placed my two hands neatly in front of me. Surprisingly I was able to hold the stance for a good fifteen, twenty minutes of standing there. I was really happy about that.
Even when we were walking back to the employees only area, George, one of the higher guys in charge told me I did very well tonight and thanked me. He said a lot of people made good comments so I was extremely proud. Even if it wasn't just me that got the comments, I'm very proud to be working with these people.
Though when I was leaving, I did feel my heart string being pulled. That was possibly my last night working with all of them. My job is based on events and with hockey season finally over the events are going to be way slow. And these next two months, every weekend is completely booked for me with spending time with my friends since a lot of us are leaving during the summer or will be. A large amount of my friends are joining the military (mainly the navy branch) and some people like me will be doing college summer programs or will just be plain gone. There are basically no events during the summer at my work, and I won't be around when Hockey season picks up in the fall since I'll be in college. So the last time I'll probably see my coworkers again is when I graduate since graduation will be at my work.
The more I think about it... the sadder I'm getting. :/
I better wrap this up... my entries are always so long. And I need to start planning on a way to get Tati back for an earlier incident. Be prepared Tati!!! (Cause I know you're reading this haha)
I Love You!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
10:58 PM
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Listening to: So This Is Love by The Cheetah GirlsMood: Envious This was actually done in my Spanish class on the day before Valentine's Day, but I couldn't find this paper after that day. I was looking through my Kana & Kanji book, and it fell out! Thus I am posting this, though I'm sure a few of these are possibly wrong. All well, feel the love; ☆ Ini ibig ki taa! - Tagalog/Philippines ☆ Mera pyer! - Indian
☆ Mina rulcastan! - Finnish
☆ Woaini! - Chinese ☆Jeg esker deg! - Norwegian
☆ Ik hou van jou! - Dutch
☆ Aishiteru! - Japanese
☆ Icch liebe dich! - German
☆ Is tu mo ghra'! - Celtic
☆ Nagliguaget! - Eskimo
☆ Je ' taime! - French
☆ Yo koin seiasa! - Korean
☆ Ite quireo mucho! - Spanish
☆ Ego diligo vas! - Latin
☆ I love you! - English
Back to school
Monday, March 23, 2009
9:20 PM
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Listening to: Undomiel by David ArkenstoneMood: Lazy I have decided, starting tomorrow I'm going to be running every night. Since I'm completely out of shape I'll be running the shorter courses around my neighborhood but it'll grow longer as I get in shape. I think one route I use to take was about two miles, so we'll see. I'm just noticing that my weight is going up again since I'm no longer under tons of stress, that means I'm actually eating again. I have a bad habit of not eating, or forgetting to eat when under stress. And not just because I'm gaining weight (though that is a bad thing.) I'm quite chubby -__- I want to burn off all this disgusting fat and tone out my body. I must work hard for this, so wish me luck. Oh, something very good happened today. Someone has finally taken pity on me for having about two hundred pictures on my camera and my computer not reading my camera, so over the weekend she borrowed my camera and but all my pictures on CDs. I'm so happy since I've wanted to post so many pictures from previous events. Like my 18th birthday, Halloween, Christmas Party and etc. Since I promised to put some up from previous entries I shall do so now. :D I'll go in order... first off my 18th birthday;  At dinner.
 We went bowling after dinner. Ugh, I hate how I look.
 Hee, Breezy and I were secretly changing everyone's names.
 And it's 9 o'clock! Meaning Teen Night has started! They turn the lights into some sort of black light making anything light color turn neon.
Now Halloween!
 The mastermind of the whole party, and who scared nearly everyone at the party with her amazing acting skills; Kaitlyn!
 My Geisha costume. I have yet to mark myself of Japanese writing.
 The Geisha, The Masked Woman, and the Vampiress.
 My best friend Katie and I. I luff her so much! <3
Recently!  At Prescott's Town Square. ...My posture is so bad... and I need to stop eating junk food! *was eating ice cream*  My girls; Mickiki (Micky) and Kay (Katie).  Kay trying to be all that XD  They told me to stand by the tree so I did. My hair is so long... I need to get it trimmed. WARNING! This video contains some swearing all done by Mickiki... It's not to bad but I should still warn all those out there. But anyway, that day I was trying to be annoying on purpose. That laugh was meant on purpose. That is not how I usually laugh -__- And that's it. Now I must get off the computer and work on my homework. Bleh.
Friday, March 20, 2009
3:07 AM
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Listening to: The TV in the background Mood: Nervous and paranoid Nothing much has happened... other than earlier today Katie, Mickiki and I were talking about ghosts and spirits today. Especially talking about dead time which is from 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM. And what do you know I've woken up pretty much on the stroke of 3:00 AM, and it doesn't help when my dog is growling a bit at nothing there.
I feel really nervous and alert now... I think I'm going to turn on my light for now since I know I can't sleep during within the hour. I'm just to frightened.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
5:02 PM
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Listening to: AROMA by An Cafe Mood: Indifferent
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!Don't have much to say other than that. Though the An Cafe fan site I've been planning and working on for the past month is almost completed. Oh and tomorrow and Thursday I shall be at school during my Spring Break but it should be lots of fun since all I'm going to be doing is art all day.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
9:42 AM
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Listening to: Let The Flames Begin by ParamoreMood: Excited Tonight is finally Open Mic. night again. I can't wait for tonight, I'll probably edit this entry once it's over since there's so much that happens there. Or just make a new entry all together... anyway I've been busy like normal, but it's finally Spring Break for me so that means a week of freedom!!
Maybe it's because of Spring Break is the reason for a sudden creative phase has taken over me. I feel like doing crafts and drawings all day. I even went to Michael's Craft Store to get some more things. I got three bamboo brushes (which I'm very excited to use since I've never used them before), another inking pen, some more stretchy string and I bought some really cheap 25" yarn (35 cents!).
With the yarn I decided to try making traditional friendship bracelets. My first attempt came out pretty much perfect. See, see?

I really like the colors I picked out too. A light blue and green, and then a darker blue and green. For those who don't know, you're not suppose to take off the friendship bracelet and just wait for it to fall apart natural. It honors the work that the friend put into the bracelet, and honor the friendship together. If you take it off intentional then your friendship is suppose to go bad. I'm probably going to make some for my friends as a graduation present, pick out their four favorite colors (or even their favorite color and get different shades of it) and use them. I mean the yarn is 35 cents, and it's a decent amount too. I'll probably send about $10 max, since I have a lot of friends... Oh and even more great news. I finally got new headphones!! The iPod headphones that came with my nano were about to blow out since the beginning of Feb. and I've been waiting to get the extra money to buy new ones. I'm quite pleased that 1) I was able to make the iPod headphones survive a month without blowing them out (which I'm natroious for) and 2) that I found matching ones to go with my lovely shade of blue iPod. I love them so much, I have to show them;  And Tati has finally got a blogger account. <3 She has finally joined the blogging world! Okay I'm done. :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
7:41 PM
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Listening to: Best Apart by An CafeMood: Tired ...I'm getting rather annoyed that I keep finding random bruises on my arms and legs. Mainly my forearms and thighs. I'm positive that I'm not sleep walking and there is nothing around me to cause the bruises in my sleep. Such a mystery.
Pops Concert
Sunday, March 8, 2009
8:18 AM
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For the past two days my choir has been doing the annual 'Pops Concert'. It's basically our fun raiser event where the concert is filled with more solos and up to beat songs instead of classical music.
Friday's concert was pretty stressful though (when isn't a concert stressful?). I had to be at the Glassford really early, pretty much right after school. After school I literally raced to the bank to deposit my latest paycheck, get some food (Chinese Food from Panda Express~!), I run home to grab my outfit and things I would need for the concert itself and then return go to Glassford which is right next to my high school. I helped set up things, fold some programs, write out the program for all the choirs/solo people, and other stuff.
All that took up the time until the concert was about to start. I got to help in the audience, get them situated if needed, and make sure everyone could fit if it was a full house, which it wasn't.
But in the cafeteria, it was chaos. Everyone had to sit in the cafeteria to leave room for the audience so they had a projector set so that we could still watch the concert. But people wouldn't shut up. Mainly my choir cause their a bunch of immature people (not all but majority of them), and because it's such a big group of people as well.
After the concert I stayed after with Katie to make sure that the dressing rooms were clean, and there wasn't anything left behind, but of course there was. I crashed when I got home, it was such a long day.
Saturday night though was less stressful. I slept in most of the day an played video games for a few hours. My brother is renting a 'Tales' game so I thought it would be fun to play which it is. But I got up and washed the dishes before getting ready for the concert. This time I brought my notebook to make more notes and etc. for my two novels. I feel really good about these novels too, I just haven't started writing them yet though >.>a;
Most of the night went by quicker and I think because we had the concert the night before made it so much less stressful. After the concert we helped clean up the place and put all the sound equipment into the trucks to take back over to the high school. Though when I was helping on trying to take apart a stereo from it's stand with two other guys, Paul and Mitch; I was pulling down on the stand that was connected to the stereo while Paul and Mitch were lifting up... they pretty much lifted me along with the stereo because the stand wouldn't come loose. -___- It felt weird being lifted up... I honestly don't really think myself as the type you can just lift up because I'm so tall and not small. @_@
Katie, Mike, Mikiki, and I went for ice cream afterwards and met up with Emily and her boyfriend, Brendon. I forgot my debt card at home so I didn't have any ice cream and Katie only had three dollars, Mike had no money (surprise, surprise -___- GET A JOB MIKE!), and Micky didn't have any money on her cause she didn't know we were going to do something after the concert. It was a lot of fun though, and Melissa came by later in the night after Brendon and Emily had left.
But basically it was a great night. And the Pops Concert is finally over. One more to go.