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Monday, March 23, 2009
9:20 PM
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Listening to: Undomiel by David ArkenstoneMood: Lazy I have decided, starting tomorrow I'm going to be running every night. Since I'm completely out of shape I'll be running the shorter courses around my neighborhood but it'll grow longer as I get in shape. I think one route I use to take was about two miles, so we'll see. I'm just noticing that my weight is going up again since I'm no longer under tons of stress, that means I'm actually eating again. I have a bad habit of not eating, or forgetting to eat when under stress. And not just because I'm gaining weight (though that is a bad thing.) I'm quite chubby -__- I want to burn off all this disgusting fat and tone out my body. I must work hard for this, so wish me luck. Oh, something very good happened today. Someone has finally taken pity on me for having about two hundred pictures on my camera and my computer not reading my camera, so over the weekend she borrowed my camera and but all my pictures on CDs. I'm so happy since I've wanted to post so many pictures from previous events. Like my 18th birthday, Halloween, Christmas Party and etc. Since I promised to put some up from previous entries I shall do so now. :D I'll go in order... first off my 18th birthday;  At dinner.
 We went bowling after dinner. Ugh, I hate how I look.
 Hee, Breezy and I were secretly changing everyone's names.
 And it's 9 o'clock! Meaning Teen Night has started! They turn the lights into some sort of black light making anything light color turn neon.
Now Halloween!
 The mastermind of the whole party, and who scared nearly everyone at the party with her amazing acting skills; Kaitlyn!
 My Geisha costume. I have yet to mark myself of Japanese writing.
 The Geisha, The Masked Woman, and the Vampiress.
 My best friend Katie and I. I luff her so much! <3
Recently!  At Prescott's Town Square. ...My posture is so bad... and I need to stop eating junk food! *was eating ice cream*  My girls; Mickiki (Micky) and Kay (Katie).  Kay trying to be all that XD  They told me to stand by the tree so I did. My hair is so long... I need to get it trimmed. WARNING! This video contains some swearing all done by Mickiki... It's not to bad but I should still warn all those out there. But anyway, that day I was trying to be annoying on purpose. That laugh was meant on purpose. That is not how I usually laugh -__- And that's it. Now I must get off the computer and work on my homework. Bleh.
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