This weekend my dad, my brother and I will be going down to Texas to visit my grandparents. It's about an eight hour drive but I guess we'll see, my dad is known for going fast. I remember in April of 2009 coming back from California from the An Cafe concert that we cut an hour off of the drive. But I'm excited to see them especially my grandmother, I'm really close to her. I've been told that I act more like a child of my grandmother rather than my mother or father. I think it's simply I look up to her for many things in my life especially in the area where my mother does not go near such as the supernatural or divination.
During this visit though I'm determined to learn a lot from her. I want to ask how to cook a few things (mainly good ol' Jamaican food), to sew properly, more divination techniques (possibly talking to ghosts but I'm hesitant and still don't even know if it's gift like it is for her), and hopefully art techniques too.
Holly, a friend of my father, mentioned today that us younger generation of women don't know how to do much like cook, we have food we can just pop in a microwave and eat instead of actually "cooking." And when I think of it, younger women today don't know how to do half the stuff our grandmothers (possibly mothers) know how to do anymore that would make us good "housewives." I'm all for allowing women into the work force and doing what they want, but I feel like these qualities of being a good housewife would come in handy. I really want to learn to become a good housewife even though that life is far in the future. Because what I learn I can pass down when I have a daughter, and bond with her through these experiences. This is simply my opinion though.
Also when I'm in Texas, I'm really hoping to get my hair done since it hasn't for the past two weeks since my dad doesn't know a good stylist who can do what I want in this tiny town. Houston is a big city, and I'm sure either my grandmother, Aunt Bobbie, or my cousin Kira will know somewhere to go. Here's a picture of what I want done;

I'm a bit nervous to do this because I've had my hair the same style for years, and this also requires a bit of my long hair to be cut short (the layered part). But I got a positive outlook from when I had posted the picture on facebook.
And the Fifa World Cup of 2010 is almost here! I'm so excited, I remember when the World Cup was playing four years ago and there was so much excitement. I'm going to be recording all the matches to make sure I see them! How exciting! I'm pulling out Denmark's flag and definitely be cheering them on.
- Denmark
- Brazil
- Japan
- Italy (No one tell Katie!)
Those are the teams that I'll be cheering for, though I'll be Denmark who I'll be cheering for during the Denmark vs. Japan match. I think this is their first time playing each other ever, so it'll be very interesting. Ah... I hope one day in the future I can actually attend a World Cup Match...
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