Saturday, March 14, 2009
9:42 AM

Listening to: Let The Flames Begin by Paramore
Mood: Excited

Tonight is finally Open Mic. night again. I can't wait for tonight, I'll probably edit this entry once it's over since there's so much that happens there. Or just make a new entry all together... anyway I've been busy like normal, but it's finally Spring Break for me so that means a week of freedom!!

Maybe it's because of Spring Break is the reason for a sudden creative phase has taken over me. I feel like doing crafts and drawings all day. I even went to Michael's Craft Store to get some more things. I got three bamboo brushes (which I'm very excited to use since I've never used them before), another inking pen, some more stretchy string and I bought some really cheap 25" yarn (35 cents!).

With the yarn I decided to try making traditional friendship bracelets. My first attempt came out pretty much perfect. See, see?

I really like the colors I picked out too. A light blue and green, and then a darker blue and green. For those who don't know, you're not suppose to take off the friendship bracelet and just wait for it to fall apart natural. It honors the work that the friend put into the bracelet, and honor the friendship together. If you take it off intentional then your friendship is suppose to go bad. I'm probably going to make some for my friends as a graduation present, pick out their four favorite colors (or even their favorite color and get different shades of it) and use them. I mean the yarn is 35 cents, and it's a decent amount too. I'll probably send about $10 max, since I have a lot of friends...

Oh and even more great news. I finally got new headphones!! The iPod headphones that came with my nano were about to blow out since the beginning of Feb. and I've been waiting to get the extra money to buy new ones. I'm quite pleased that 1) I was able to make the iPod headphones survive a month without blowing them out (which I'm natroious for) and 2) that I found matching ones to go with my lovely shade of blue iPod. I love them so much, I have to show them;

And Tati has finally got a blogger account. <3 She has finally joined the blogging world!

Okay I'm done. :)


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