Coin Collection
Thursday, June 24, 2010
7:08 PM
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Listening to: Gee -- Girl's Generation Mood: Lucky Today I helped my grandfather sort through his collection of coins he had been collecting since he was a kid (after I slept half the day away). He had all sorts of coins from so many different places like Japan, Hong Kong, Peru, and a lot of coins that are no longer around such as the European ones since they all have been replaced by the euro. All the coins had their own special bag, only the England, Old English, and Jamaica had the most coins since they were the places my grandfather visited more often.  Picture one  Picture two To be honest I feel so incredibly lucky to have him let me have his collection simply because I had an interest and have started my own collection when I first left the United States. Hopefully I can expand the collection with the current day coins, add on and introduce new places. Maybe I can hand them down to one of my children or grand children and they can extend it. Who knows?
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