Tuesday, October 28, 2008 7:10 PM
So Saturday was my ACT exams and Kaitlyn's Halloween Costume party. The ACTs were about four to five hours long, sadly I didn't get to finish some portions of my test, especially the writing which I'm really upset about since that was my most confident subject. Thirty minutes was the time provided to write an essay. I spent to much time with the draft that I didn't leave myself enough time to write it in the answer booklet... -__- But I guess it was okay. I just hope my scores ain't to bad.
Right after finishing the ACTs I left right away to grab some food and go to Kaitlyn's house to help decorate. A thing about Kaitlyn's house... it's HUGE and out in the middle of no where. It takes me 30 minutes to get to her house after leaving the town, but it does have it's perks.
I was the second one to arrive, Martika being the first one. First we started to decorate the stairs while Katie and the King of Stupidness (I didn't hurt him, despite how much I really wanted to. I promised Kaitlyn I wouldn't start anything.) then Linda arrived. For the next five to six hours we spent the day cooking and decorating food for everyone that was suppose to come. It was fun, I did some artistic cooking like writing stuff on cookies and making chocolate suckers. But as it got darker and it was getting closer to the start of the party, we all started to get ready in Kaitlyn's room.
I was one of the first ones to get ready since my costume was really simple. Katie did my makeup, there were lots of blue used to help bring out my eyes and the color of my costume which was a beautiful cerulean color. Next I slipped into my costume which was a Geisha costume, though it wasn't a typical Geisha costume. The bottom was shorter, stopping right above my knees while the back trailed out behind me. A lot of the hemming was black as well as the 'obi'. There was a silver dragon running from my front to my bottom. I sharpied my nails black since I couldn't find any black nail polish and wrote 'blue dragon' on my hands, and on both legs; one on my thigh and my ankle. And finally I put my hair up with some chop sticks. And sine I'm all ready so white I didn't put any of the white make-up on.
Then I proceeded to help everyone else. Martika dressed as Vampiress, Linda was just a masked woman, Jessica (who joined us later) was a cowgirl, Katie was some kind of gothic person, and Katilyn was dressed up as an Egyptian ( a really good one too!)
well guests started to arrive slowly, and the party started off slow. Somehow Kaitlyn, Martika, Katie, Linda and I left to go outside in the front. Again sicne Kaitlyn lives way out n the outskirts of the town it's pitch black outside except the lights her house where giving. Kaitlyn then put on some creepy music of screams, bones breaking and other creepy stuff *shivers* Kaitlyn then started to act. And she succeeding.
Kaitlyn is an amazing actor and she changed her voice into a scratchy sounding one, but at the same time sounding really demonic. She also had these real Egyptian weapons (which were dulled down so no one could get hurt) and started to clang them together like dinner bells. Then she would hiss and get really close your face with her cat contact eyes, and whisper evilly that she's going to eat you. Haha, it was the most hilarious thing!!! First she went after Linda who skittered a ways to get away from Kaitlyn, the same with Katie. Martika held out longer than everyone else. For some odd reason (I think it's because Halloween, when you dress up you kind become that person you dress up) when she did it to me, I merely held up my fan in front of my face hiding everything but my eyes and smirked behind it as she hissed and growled at me. She didn't pick on me for very long because she found her new victim. Jessica.
Jessica is really easy to scare so Kaitlyn started chasing after Jessica across the yard. Kaitlyn clanking her weapons together laughing demonic again hoarsely calling out, 'Jessica... Jessica it's time for dinner'. Eventually Jessica hopped the fence ripping Kendra's pant (she was borrowing). I almost fell to the ground laughing when I watched this and Jessica panic because Kendra is one of those girls who are really tough and could kick anyone's butt no problem (but she's not mean, she's just... Kendra). Later, we had Jessica on the porch on the second level of the house with Kaitlyn again attempting to scare Jessica by prowling around underneath doing the dinner bells again. But this time Jessica laughed and throw a Snapple bottle down at Kaitlyn and hit her.
Kaitlyn was screaming below but in her normal voice; 'I'm going to kill you Jessica!' And took off running. Jessica scream bloody murder, and ran off the porch and out of the room like the devil was on her heels. Martika and I laughed and quickly followed hearing her scream again when she reached the bottom of the stairs where Kaitlyn was waiting.
The party went on; people left (who shouldn't have, they didn't have any excuses) and people came. For the next few hours I was dancing out side with some of my friends. Mainly listening to some rap music as well as Mexican music (it's not uncommon here, Spanish is the second most spoken language where I live).
The night continued on with more games like Bus Stop, which is where two people sit down on a chair and one person trys freaking the other person into leaving the 'bus stop' There were some crazy things going on with that game. The there was Freeze which is where you start acting out a game (usually two people, but we played with three) and someone can scream freeze. So the actors have to freeze and the one who called it replaces one person and continue the act. Finally at midnight people left and I fell asleep almost instantly on Kaitlyn's couch after changing in to my PJs. It was a great night.
(I'm the one on the bottom with the fan)
I'll add more pics when my camera starts to work. I stole this from Heidy! XD
Friday, October 24, 2008 7:20 PM
Samula. My newest nickname graciously given to me by my choir teacher. I have no idea how she came up with it but it doesn't matter. I have tons of weird nicknames like Sampada, Sam-Sam and etc. Anyways today was a Choir Festival that my choir (with about 22 girls unable to go because of their grades out of 72) and the Men's choir (about 10 guys were able to go).
It was amazing thing! Though not many choirs were there it was still great seeing others preform and having preform in front of others. The only bad thing was that the King of Stupidness was there, every time he spoke annoyed me and felt like decking him. And he sat almost next to me so it was really hard not to deck him. I'm pretty much over him scewing over but when he is screwing my best friend for the third time I'm not going to be forgiving. At least I didn't let him ruin my day. And the best thing about it was that I pretty much missed a full day of school! Yessssss! Though I did came back for the last hour of the day and for me it's Spanish 2. Since my class is a bunch of whiners we were able to skip out on a quiz XD
After school I had voice lessons with my choir teacher. It's about 20 minutes and not really difficult. Just helping me on where I can improve and such. I'm doing pretty well, I just need to work on my breathing. But I'm getting sight reading done pretty well, a few mistakes here and there, and working on my vowels. Though I wasn't expect her to use a rope on me... >_> It was to help show if I was expanding my rib cage right because it would tighten when I was which was a good thing. And then after all that... she gave me a snack!!! I love Mrs. Reuter.
I so should be studying right now.
Moving on to that, yeah, ACTs tomorrow morning. Starts at 8:00 AM and ends about 1:00PM with tons of different sections including; math, reading, writing, language, and science. I've been semi-craming all week. I know I have writing down, I was able to exceed on my AIMs on writing so I have no worries there. Reading isn't to bad, as well as my language, science I'm pretty conifdent and math... I'm so going to lower my scores with math. I'm horrible at it. So most of my study time has been with math.
well I better get study. Ugh. I'll post pics and stuff about tomorrow on Sunday since I will not return home until that day. :D
Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:02 PM
For once I went to a hockey game instead of working at one! It was fun, it was my friend Amanda's Birthday and I'm hoping she had a good time. Nothing else really happened the past few days so I'm filling this entry with tags.
What Nationality Am I? I stole this from a friend's journal. It looked fun.
B R I T I S H [x] You drink a lot of tea. [ ] You know what a brolly is. [ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. [ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor..... [x] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell." [ ] Fish and Chips are yummy. [x] You can eat a Full English Breakfast. [ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs. [x] It's football... not soccer.
Total: 4/9
A U S T R A L I A N [ ] You wear flip flops all year. [All the freaking time, especially when I was in Florida for college.] [ ] You call flip flops "thongs", not flip flops. (lol thongs are underwear >: ) [ ] You love a backyard Barbie. [ ] You know a Barbie is not a doll. [x] You love the beach. [x] Sometimes you swear without realizing. [x] You're a sports fanatic. [ ] You are tanned. [ ] You're a bit of a bogan. (what?) [x] You have an Australian something.
Total: 4/10
I T A L I A N [ ] The Sopranos is a great show. [ ] Your last name ends in a vowel. [x] Your grandmother makes her own sauces. [ ] You know how a real meatball tastes. [x] You know Italian songs [ ] You have dark hair and dark eye color. [I have one out of 2 here.] [ ] You speak some Italian. [x] You are under 5'10". [ ] You know what an Italian horn is. [x] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world! [x] You talk with your hands.
Total: 5/11
S P A N I S H [ ] You say member instead of Remember. [x] You speak Spanish or some. [x] You like tacos. [ ] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr. [ ] You are dark skinned. [ ] You know what a Puta is. [x] You talk fast occasionally. [ ] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair. [x] You know what platanos are.
Total: 4/9
R U S S I A N [ ] You say villain as: Vee-lon. [x] You get short tempered. [x] You know of somebody named Natasha. [ ] You get cold easily. [x] Rain is fun for you. [ ] You get into contests all the time. [x] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
Total: 4/7
I R I S H [ ] You think beer is the best. [x] You have a bad temper. [ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murphy, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y or L. [x] You have blue or green eyes. [x] You like the colour green. [ ] You have been to a St. Patty's day party. [x] You have a family member from Ireland. [ ] You have red hair. [ ] You have/had freckles. [x] Your family get together always include drinking and singing
Total: 5/10
A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N [ ] You say nigga/nukka casually. [ ] You have nappy hair. [ ] You like rap. [x] You know how to shoot a gun. [ ] You think President George Walker Bush is racist. [x] You like chicken. [ ] You like watermelon. [x] You can dance. [To some extent] [x] You can sing gospel.
Total: 4/9
A S I A N [ ] You have slanty/small eyes. [x] You like rice a lot. [ ] You are good at math. [ ] You have played the piano. [ ] You have family from Asia. [x] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth. [ ] Most people think you're Chinese. [ ] You call hurricanes typhoons. [ ] You go to Baulko.
Total: 2/9
G E R M A N [x] You like bread. [ ] You think German Chocolate is good. [ ] You speak some German. [ ] You know what Schnitzel is. [ ] You hate it when stupid people call you. [x] You went to Pre-school [x] You're over 5'2".
Total: 3/7
C A N A D I A N [x] You like/play/played hockey. [ ] You love beer. [x] You say eh. [ ] You know what poutine is. [ ] You speak some French [ ] You love Tim Horton's. [ ] At one point you lived in a farm house. [ ] You watch/watched Degrassi.
Total: 2/8
A M E R I C A N [ ] You hate foreigners. [ ] You hate non-Christians. [x] You're lazy. [ ] You have had an abortion. [ ] But love the penalty. [ ] You don't read. [x] You shop at Wal-Mart. [Not often, every blue moon] [x] You think this survey is rather biased.
Total: 3/8
B E L G I A N [ ] You grow some small vegetables in the yard. [x] You like french fries. [ ] You think Belgian chocolate rules. [ ] You know that the official best beer in the world' is Belgian. [ ] You speak both Dutch and French [ ] You like Belgian waffles. [ ] You call a pub or bar a café. [x] You fully realize and acknowledge that your football team sucks. [ ] You drive/own a French or German car. [x] You have a lot of comments on your government.
Total: 3/10
D U T C H [ ] You like the colour orange. [x] You are a football enthusiast. [ ] You often go to 'coffee shops'. [ ] You know what is meant by 'coffee shops'. [x] You tend to overreact and show your emotions. [x] You have a cheerful nature. [x] You like the sea. [x] You are good at building/handiwork/projects. [ ] You tend to favour the megalomania.
Total: 5/10
A R A B [ ] You are a patriot. [ ] You say "3ngleezy" instead of "english". [ ] You laugh at other accents, especially Egyptian. "Mb metfayej" [x] You beckon at things with you forehead or eyes. [ ] You like seafood, especially fish, more than any other type of food. [ ] You are tanned. [ ] You have a black hair. [ ] Your last name starts with " Al " or " bin " [ ] you like showing off, especially with new cars and clothes. [ ] You dislike reading.
Total: 1/10
Apparently I'm Italian, Dutch, and Irish. (This is somewhat true. I am Irish & Danish and Dutch are connect in someway).
This one is from Resha-chan.
What is his/her name? Eric (FINALLY OFFICIAL!)
How old is he/she? 18, beating me by a few months
Did he/she ever betrayed you before? Never.
Do you love him/her? Yes. He's like my older brother and he's my best mate. No guy will ever take that spot.
Is he/she your soulmate? Nah. Just childhood friends.
What do you think about him/her? He's playfulness, responsible, and he's just one of those guys who know how to treat a girl right. Oh and he's really good with little kids, I know he's going t be a great father one day.
Would you give him/her a present? I all ready have, and probably will do it again.
Is he/she a liar? Not really. I don't think he's ever lied to me.
Would you marry him/her? Lol, I love him but not that kind of love to where I would marry him.
Be it that you're more famous than her, would you dump him/her? No. Never.
Tag 10 people you (kinda) care about. Um, since I only have two friends on blogger at the moment and Resha is the one who tagged me. I tag Christine!!! <3
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 7:11 PM
Geez...! My week just keeps getting better and better. Today we had a bomb threat but of course the school didn't actually tell us that. They just merely said 'This is a Fire drill evacuation, please take all your stuff and go to your stations.' Um, there were several things wrong with this statement:
1) If it was a fire drill the fire alarms would have gone off instead.
2) If it was a fire drill we wouldn't be taken our stuff either, and this ruled out for possible drug search since people would have to leave their stuff in the building.
You get the picture. So after standing outside near the building (if the bomb went off we would all have been so dead) for an hour we were finally evacuated to the middle school a few yards away. And waited there for a bit more than an hour. It was literally chaos when we were at the middle school. And they had all the teachers go back to the High School to have their rooms throughly searched. As in the teachers did it... I bet they felt real safe going back into the school that is suppose to have a bomb in it.
But like usual, there was nothing there and we spend a bit over two hours doing nothing. I mean yeah it was great getting out of class but all the classes I was missing were my favorite classes. Choir and Art. Time schedule for the rest of the school was pretty screwed up and a lot of people were confused. -sigh- It was just a very long day.
Monday, October 13, 2008 3:21 PM
Strange how I renew my blog that all of a sudden tons of stuff happens that I post every single day. Weird.
Today was... not that great. Started off great but as the day progressed it got much worse. Well let's just skip to the main point of the day that gave me such a surprise but a great satisfaction. I assaulted Micheal. I refused to call him a friend currently so I shall dub him 'The King of Stupidness' (though that's really Colton's title). It wasn't a bad assult, just two really hard hits to The King of Stupidness' head that made everyone wince and widen their eyes. He really deserved it and I feel no regret what so ever.
Though what surprised me so much was that I went through with it. And even though I had attacked him, twice, I still want to hurt him for all he did. Especially when he got that smug little tone that sings in your ear 'I'm superior than you' or 'I'm the guy and your the girl so do as I say'. After cooling off that's what made me snap. I'm still mad so The King of Stupidness better watch his back because he has a pissed off female that can and will beat the crap out of him.
Like the quote says...
"Hell hath no fury than a woman's scorned."
Well I should probably go study for me ACTs.
That's probably not going to happen.
KING OF STUPIDNESS This is what happens when I'm bored, and angry at night
Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:44 PM
I'm going to vent here since I can't talk to anyone about this. I need to get it out so I can sleep and be able to get up in the morning;
I just got a call from a friend of mine, crying and started talking in random sentences. She kept saying he and something touching. I was able to calm her down a bit so she could tell what exactly was going on. I could feel in my stomach something was wrong when she had mentioned the first he her mumblings. Apparently she had a helper to help her move some things in her new house she'll be living in, I believe it was someone she knew because she knew quite a bit about him. A 33-year old man, married with two kids, and is in the army. From what she told me she was molested. From what she told me it was only him and her doing some of the moving and that's when it happened.
I offered calling the police or her 'second mom' but she said no, not wanting to talk to anyone. She only called me because she knew I would listen and not freak out. Even though it was hard I didn't freak out and talked it out with her. She said she would talk to someone tomorrow and called that man's wife to let her know what happen but... I'm afraid she'll back out. She does that a lot since she doesn't take care of herself very well. She lives in a bad neighborhood and her home is a bad environment as well, so most of the time she is battered in some way or form and refused to see a doctor or anything.
Ugh I just don't know what to do exactly since I need to respect her wishes of not speaking to anyone about what happened. I feel so helpless but I need to be strong for her. I really need too.
Saturday, October 11, 2008 3:23 PM
I've finally figured out how to put up a layout and such! I like this one soooo much more than the one I had before. So Resha-chan tagged me and since I have some time before I have to work let's do this;
Put your music player on shuffle mode.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title for the answer even if it doesn't make any sense.
Give your comment on the title, even they don't relate.
Tag five humans...
How are you feeling today? Si Do Mhaimeo I -Celtic woman. I love this song, it always makes me want to dance. I think she's singing in... Gaelic?All well. -shrugs-
Will you get far in life? Are you the One? - Timo Tolkki & within temptation. Lol what a wonderful song to be paired with this question.
What is your best friend's theme song? Feliz Navidad - The Cheetah Girls. HAHAHA this is SO not Kay's theme song!
What's your high school like? At the Beginning - Richard Marx & Donna Lewis. I guess this matches in a way?
How can you get ahead in life? Lucky Star 2 - Prima Donna ft DJ Babyboi. I guess my dreams will reveal everything. <3
What's the best thing about your friends? That's what Girls Do - No Secrets. Lol, majority of my friends are girls. It's what we do!
Describe your friends. No Good Deed - Idina Menzel. No good deed goes unpunished~ -just continues to sing the song- I love the singers voice and the play was amazing. <3
How's your life going? I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls (Live) - Meav. I just love the sound of this song, and her voice. It's so soothing but then most Celtic/New age singers have soothing voices.
First song played on your birthday. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Draft Punk. Every time I hear this song I think of the myspace video someone posted on this song. It was actually a really good video.
Will you have a happy life? I Can't Help Falling in Love with You - A*teens. Um, good song.
What do your friends think of you? The Sound of Goodbye - Perpetuous Dreamer. Gawd, this song had to match up with this song. I don't wanna say good bye to meh friends! ;_;
How can you make yourself happy? Ryuusei Rocket - An Cafe. Yeees! This song always makes me happy :D
What should you do with your life? Kids in America - No Secrets. Haha, this brings memories. I would sing this song all time when I was like 12.
Will you ever have a child? Fly Me to the Moon - Utada Hikaru. I'm guessing since it's saying I love you, I will find someone and I guess I'll have a child?
What song have you done like a freak to? Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Annie Lennox. Um, trying to sing that low with out cracking is pretty crazy >_> actually it's really bad for your voice to try and to that... My choir teacher would kill me if she knew I try that.
What does your mum think about you? It's My Turn Now - Keke Palmer. -falls over laughing- It fits!
What's your deep dark secret? Too Late (Violin Instrumental) - Full House OST. This song is sad sounding. I guess I have a sad dark secret?
What's your mortal enemy's theme song? So this is Love - The Cheetah Girls. Um, the song is very nice and comes from one of my favorite movies. <3
Are your friends true to you? You'll Be In My Heart - Usher. The songs says everything. :)
Will you get married?wade in the water (Gospel/blues vocal) - Pat Surface. I like the sound of the song.
What will they play on your funeral? Once Upon A December - Deana Carter. Ah, I luff this song. I kinda hope they do play this at my funeral.
Who's your first love? Emergency - Paramore. I saw them at concert and got the lead singer to sign my cell phone! Though it's rubbed completely off ;_; But a fitting song though I haven't really had my first love yet >_>
What do you see in a guy? The Only One - Evanescence. I'm looking for the only one good enough for me.
What will you be in the future? Put the Lime in the Coconut - Baha Men. Apparently a stomach ache. -laughs-
Will you tag others? Meikyuu Butterfly - Mizuki Nana. I love this song, this singer! And probably not since I have no one to really tag...
Friday, October 10, 2008 10:42 PM
Yes, hockey is finally in season again meaning I'm working!!!!! I actually just got back from the first game a few minutes ago. But working is a good and a bad thing. Good in a way that I am making money so I can pay for my gas and start saving for my college tuition. Bad thing is it's during the winter ('no duh Sam') which means runny noses and chapped lips which really do suck. Especially if I work at the front door (or any door for that manner) I get caught up in the wind and the cold and it just plain sucks. Oh did I mention I only work at night when it's even colder? No? Now you guys know. X_X Though my favorite parts of working is seeing games and concerts for free. Oh and teasing my friends who happen to be going to the game. This is how it's usually played out;
Me: "Hello. How are you today?" Reaching out to take ticket to scan it.
Friend: "Hey Sam! I didn't know you worked here." Gives ticket to me.
Me: Takes ticket. "Really? well I'm sorry, you can't come in." Starts to shut the door closed. "If you don't have a ticket you can't come in." Holds their ticket out in the open on purpose.
And the reactions vary from here.
Katie, (or Kay. That's what I call her most of the time. And Katie is all ready a nickname XD Her full first name is Kathryn.) says I'm evil all the time. I guess it's true looking at this since I do this to my friends all the time. -chuckles evilly-
Anyway mentioning colleges... I got accept to the one I wanted to get in (and it was the only on I applied for at this point in time). Northern Arizona University!! Though I still have no idea what I'm going to major in, I got accepts on my grades only which is really good. Most colleges look at SAT and ACT scores (which I'm still taking... I've all ready paid for the tests and such.) and not really grades. So I'm extremely pleased. And in other good news I might be able to room with a friend, Kaitlyn, if she continues planning on going there. So who knows?
I guess that's about it. Oh and I'm going to slap Mike as hard as I can across the face the next time I see him. But that's a too long of a story to explain why. To make it simple... he's stupid.
P.S. @ Resha: Yes I'm having quite fun blogging since I have actual people who are going to read this (or I think they will). And for now I'll respond to comments through P.S.s since I'm still trying to figure out this site -___- I don't even know how to subsrcibe to your blog (or Chrissy-chan's).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 10:33 AM
"Every day of life..."
That is one of the most said phrases by my best friend, Katie. Mostly said when I do something mischievous to her once again. Reason why I'm putting this down for my first entry in a new blog is because in a way I'm dedicating this to Katie: we've been friends since elementary school and this year we're graduating high school together. But after that we'll be going our separate ways to different colleges.
It'll be hard without Katie around, she is my sister and my other half. So by making this blog I'll be trying to convince myself everything will be okay when we are apart.
Name:Samantha Birthday: September 27th Age: 19 Ambition: To become a cultural anthropologist.
[x] Dream Blog Website is down, I'm unsure if I should put it up again.
Saboten Con
Still writing what needs to be done for the Oct. 1-3rd weekend.