Hockey is back in season!
Friday, October 10, 2008
10:42 PM
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Yes, hockey is finally in season again meaning I'm working!!!!! I actually just got back from the first game a few minutes ago. But working is a good and a bad thing. Good in a way that I am making money so I can pay for my gas and start saving for my college tuition. Bad thing is it's during the winter ('no duh Sam') which means runny noses and chapped lips which really do suck. Especially if I work at the front door (or any door for that manner) I get caught up in the wind and the cold and it just plain sucks. Oh did I mention I only work at night when it's even colder? No? Now you guys know. X_X Though my favorite parts of working is seeing games and concerts for free. Oh and teasing my friends who happen to be going to the game. This is how it's usually played out;
Me: "Hello. How are you today?" Reaching out to take ticket to scan it.
Friend: "Hey Sam! I didn't know you worked here." Gives ticket to me.
Me: Takes ticket. "Really? well I'm sorry, you can't come in." Starts to shut the door closed. "If you don't have a ticket you can't come in." Holds their ticket out in the open on purpose.
And the reactions vary from here.
Katie, (or Kay. That's what I call her most of the time. And Katie is all ready a nickname XD Her full first name is Kathryn.) says I'm evil all the time. I guess it's true looking at this since I do this to my friends all the time. -chuckles evilly-
Anyway mentioning colleges... I got accept to the one I wanted to get in (and it was the only on I applied for at this point in time). Northern Arizona University!! Though I still have no idea what I'm going to major in, I got accepts on my grades only which is really good. Most colleges look at SAT and ACT scores (which I'm still taking... I've all ready paid for the tests and such.) and not really grades. So I'm extremely pleased. And in other good news I might be able to room with a friend, Kaitlyn, if she continues planning on going there. So who knows?
I guess that's about it. Oh and I'm going to slap Mike as hard as I can across the face the next time I see him. But that's a too long of a story to explain why. To make it simple... he's stupid.
P.S. @ Resha: Yes I'm having quite fun blogging since I have actual people who are going to read this (or I think they will). And for now I'll respond to comments through P.S.s since I'm still trying to figure out this site -___- I don't even know how to subsrcibe to your blog (or Chrissy-chan's).Labels: work hockey college
Haha okay~ Have fun =D You should get another cbox for this place too so we (your fellow readers) can *coughspamcough* chat in it. And you read mine too, right? xD
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