Wednesday, June 17, 2009
6:01 PM
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Listening to: Ryuusei Rocket by An Cafe Mood: Upset
 It's been almost three weeks since I've seen any of my close friends, and I was hoping that this weekend we could all meet up at Sedona to go and have fun at Slide Rock. Especially since I've been over loaded with homework that I haven't really had anytime to go out and have fun like that. But Kaitlyn & Andrea can't go cause they have this church concert that they're going to and Kay is working. Martika doesn't have anything going on but she won't drive done to Flagstaff just to see me.
I've been feeling really left out these few weeks. I get pictures of what everone's doing and I'm not there with them. No one calls, or sends any text. I have to start the conversation. And Kay hasn't been calling like she has. She promises to call and then she doesn't.
It hurts. A lot. I feel like I've just been severed from my friends and that they don't care. I know some of them miss me, but it doesn't feel like it. It's not like I'm not having fun at NAU, and I'm meeting new people, but that's the thing. Everything's new. I don't have the friends that I know and love with all my heart with me. And the fact that they aren't really trying bothers me.
I just don't know what to do. For now, I'll just try and finish up my homework while listening to An Cafe. I can all ready feel a bit better by listening to their songs, but only just a bit.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
2:04 PM
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Listening to: I Caught Myself by ParamoreMood: Tired I just want to be done with school. I had something like a Spring Break after graduating before coming back to school. Though I only have two classes they're both two hours long which is about four class periods of what I had in highschool. It's getting to the point where I'm getting slight headaches from all the information I'm taking in.
At least I'm getting a small break of homework. Tonight I only have to read an essay for my ENG 110, and read a chapter for SC 111 which is like 20 pages; 20 pages I have to highlight with my trusty blue highlighter! I all ready read half of the chapter though, so I have about ten more pages.
Blogs are just wonderful places to vent. <3
I'm hoping that some of my friends will be able to come up to Flagstaff this weekend so I can see them and maybe we could do something fun since my weekends have been filled with boredom (and homework). They could even help me practice my next speech that I'll be preforming Mondays. I dunno, I just really want to see them. Especially Katie. I miss her a lot and she's usually working when I call her.
Anyways, I better get back to reading before I have to leaved for my lab. But tonight is karaoke, and I'll be taking tons of pictures of everyone. I'll probably update this again later tonight. :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
12:26 AM
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Listening to: Truth Beneath the Rose by within temptation Mood: extremely lazy
I know I haven't updated lately. I've been really busy with my college classes... even now I'm suppose to be working on my five-seven page essay on an essay we read in our text books but honestly I don't feel like doing any of that at all.
I'm adjusting quiet nicely to the college life though. I'm used to the dorms, having a roommate and using public bathrooms (for showering as well). Ivette and I are getting a long even more now since it's been at least two weeks now. Though she and I both agree that we need to do something about all the food we've been eating...which has been a lot! Especially at night since we have tons of junk food in our room. So we made an agreement to do ab work outs every night before we go to bed to tone our stomachs out. Our legs are all ready getting enough of a work out since the campus is HUGE and we walk everywhere.
And by everywhere, I mean, everywhere. I've walked to downtown before, Barnes & Noble, to Target and a few other places. Driving is only left for the mall or if the distance is to far for us to walk under a certain amount of time.
But I guess that's a good enough update. I need to wrap up this homework even though I have all day tomorrow to get it done. Maybe if I get one more page on my essay I'll be done for the night.
Oh yeah, I have a dream blog now. So all my dreams and stuff will go there. It's listed under the shoutbox :D
Tag & School Updates
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
10:15 PM
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Listening to: Respect Mommy by An CafeMood: Sleepy
Since I've been tagger by Resha-chan, I shall do it.
1. The person who tagged you is : Resha-chan~
2. Your relationship with him/her is : Long distance friend
3. Your first impression of him/her is: Seemed like a very nice and fun person to know. This is through the tag board on Quizilla mind you.
4. The most memorable moments with he/she is: I guess when we talk, er, IM each other it's usually a great time.
5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is: Um, I can't really remember?
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will... Stare. For a very long time not grasping the situation.
7. If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve: IF, then she has to show me all the great and wonderful places in Malaysia since I do not live there and have yet to visit.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do: I don't think I could ever make Resha-chan my enemy...
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: whyyyyyy!?
10. The most desired things you want to do for him/her now is: Meet her face to face.
11. Your overall impression on him/her is: A great friend to have. <3
Now it's time for the actual entry since you all love my long entries so much. I think I've mentioned it before but I'm doing a summer program called the STAR Program which basically is me staying at my college for five weeks taking classes as I adjust to the college life. Pretty simple to explain.
Today was my first day of class. My first one is ENG 110 which is English that deals with Pop Culture. It's a very interesting class, tomorrow we'll get further into the lesson that we briefly touched since my professor spent most of the time explaining what to expect out of the class.
My next class though... I'm going to absolutely hate it. It's the Fundamentals of Public Speaking. 1) I HATE speaking in front of a group of people. That pretty much sums up all my other reasons of why I am not going to enjoy this class. This Friday we all ready have a speech due which is narrative and it has to be an aspect of your life that affects you. I all ready have no idea what I should do.
Hopefully I can survive five weeks.
Though I'm enjoying the dorm life. I'm actually residing in one of the oldest buildings on campus (which apparently has a ghost living in it, and I so believe it) and I have a room mate. I never really had a room mate before so it's kind of exciting. Her name is Ivette. She's a really nice person and in a way like me in personality in some spots so I think that's why we get a long pretty well. So fr we have had no problems but then again it's only been four days.
I guess well see, ne?