Coin Collection
Thursday, June 24, 2010
7:08 PM
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Listening to: Gee -- Girl's Generation Mood: Lucky Today I helped my grandfather sort through his collection of coins he had been collecting since he was a kid (after I slept half the day away). He had all sorts of coins from so many different places like Japan, Hong Kong, Peru, and a lot of coins that are no longer around such as the European ones since they all have been replaced by the euro. All the coins had their own special bag, only the England, Old English, and Jamaica had the most coins since they were the places my grandfather visited more often.  Picture one  Picture two To be honest I feel so incredibly lucky to have him let me have his collection simply because I had an interest and have started my own collection when I first left the United States. Hopefully I can expand the collection with the current day coins, add on and introduce new places. Maybe I can hand them down to one of my children or grand children and they can extend it. Who knows?
Rosie's Rum Shack
Monday, June 21, 2010
10:50 AM
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Listening to: Oh! -- Girl's Generation Mood: Excited This weekend I went to Sargent with my family. Sargent is a small town, it's mainly houses that are built around the ocean and the strip of ocean water that streams in the land. My grandparents have property along this strip (it's like a big river, just salt water) and my uncle right next to us. There isn't really signal for anything that requires it like wireless computer's, cell phones (I got one bar every once in awhile in one place), and even those portable TVs (The only channels we got were Spanish channels).
I had fun, and to be honest it was nice not to be surrounded by technology. It was a quiet place, the only sounds I could hear was the water rushing by and the seagulls that flew over. On my grandparent's property there's a little beach shack that is called "Rosie's Rum Shack," Rosie being my grandmother's nickname. It has a wooden bench inside, along with a few plastic chairs, two straw-like chairs, and two tables also made out of wood in this shack. I would say it is slightly smaller than a normal sized room with the middle section just made out of windows to keep the ocean breeze floating through to keep it cool inside. Screening covered the open space to keep majority of the insects out, once a while a fly or two flew in when the door was open at the smell of the food when it was out. But it was my favorite place during the weekend. The only thing else on the property was an old RV that held a bathroom, a really small kitchen and a place to sleep.
The whole weekend I lounged inside the rum shack on the bench which had cushions that were added once we arrived. It was placed in the back corner by a small side table, and read the day away. Kira, my older cousin, did pretty much the same but in long of the straw-made chairs that was big enough to fit two people. Inside the shack the humidity wasn't to much of a bother. It was nice just being outside (to an extent) reading in a relaxing atmosphere without worrying about being sun burned.
But it wasn't just relaxation, Kira and I helped her father build a deck for about an hour. Our main job was pulling very long pieces of wood out the pile (which were in the very back making it difficult to get to). But these pieces of foot were easily 12 ft long, they were probably longer than that. It wasn't to hard though, my arms weren't sore the next day which was a good sign.
The only problem I had was the first night when I was trying to sleep. The RV was hotter inside than it was outside, my grandfather turned on the AC to attempt to keep it cool but it wasn't working after a certain point in time in the night. It kept making sounds as if it was having troubles turning on reminding me of a car coughing to turn on after the key was turned. It got so incredible hot and humid while I slept on the couch. The small blanket I had on I had to kick off because I sweating like no other. I kept waking up every hour wiping sweat away from my forehead and face to the point I just wanted to strip down to my underwear but I knew I couldn't because 1) my brother was sleeping on the floor, 2) my grandparents were sleeping in the other room and if I overslept than that would NOT be good. So eventually around 5:30 in the morning I just stayed up, changed out of my into a light flowing dress, listened to some music until the sun came up and began reading my novel.
But I relatively had a good time (though when we returned home I never thought I would want a shower so bad before). I saw two soccer matches for the FIFA World Cup in the Spanish channel. Denmark won their match which I'm really pleased with but the only probably is that Denmark vs. Japan in their next match and I'm unsure of who to cheer for since I rooting for both of them.
What am I going to do? ~_~
Going to Houston
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
11:40 PM
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Listening to: La Copa De La Vida -- Ricki Martin Mood: Content This weekend my dad, my brother and I will be going down to Texas to visit my grandparents. It's about an eight hour drive but I guess we'll see, my dad is known for going fast. I remember in April of 2009 coming back from California from the An Cafe concert that we cut an hour off of the drive. But I'm excited to see them especially my grandmother, I'm really close to her. I've been told that I act more like a child of my grandmother rather than my mother or father. I think it's simply I look up to her for many things in my life especially in the area where my mother does not go near such as the supernatural or divination. During this visit though I'm determined to learn a lot from her. I want to ask how to cook a few things (mainly good ol' Jamaican food), to sew properly, more divination techniques (possibly talking to ghosts but I'm hesitant and still don't even know if it's gift like it is for her), and hopefully art techniques too. Holly, a friend of my father, mentioned today that us younger generation of women don't know how to do much like cook, we have food we can just pop in a microwave and eat instead of actually "cooking." And when I think of it, younger women today don't know how to do half the stuff our grandmothers (possibly mothers) know how to do anymore that would make us good "housewives." I'm all for allowing women into the work force and doing what they want, but I feel like these qualities of being a good housewife would come in handy. I really want to learn to become a good housewife even though that life is far in the future. Because what I learn I can pass down when I have a daughter, and bond with her through these experiences. This is simply my opinion though. Also when I'm in Texas, I'm really hoping to get my hair done since it hasn't for the past two weeks since my dad doesn't know a good stylist who can do what I want in this tiny town. Houston is a big city, and I'm sure either my grandmother, Aunt Bobbie, or my cousin Kira will know somewhere to go. Here's a picture of what I want done;    I'm a bit nervous to do this because I've had my hair the same style for years, and this also requires a bit of my long hair to be cut short (the layered part). But I got a positive outlook from when I had posted the picture on facebook. And the Fifa World Cup of 2010 is almost here! I'm so excited, I remember when the World Cup was playing four years ago and there was so much excitement. I'm going to be recording all the matches to make sure I see them! How exciting! I'm pulling out Denmark's flag and definitely be cheering them on. - Denmark
- Brazil
- Japan
- Italy (No one tell Katie!)
Those are the teams that I'll be cheering for, though I'll be Denmark who I'll be cheering for during the Denmark vs. Japan match. I think this is their first time playing each other ever, so it'll be very interesting. Ah... I hope one day in the future I can actually attend a World Cup Match...
What Do You Do?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
7:40 PM
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Listening to: Salva Nos -- Yuki Kajiura & FictionJunction Mood: Discontent
Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost
Lately I've been thinking about where my life is going, and the Robert Frost poem just pops into my mind before I start seriously thinking on this subject. Everyone are always telling me, "Oh, that's so great that you have all that planned out," or "Those are great goals," but those plans/goals only go so far. Right now the furthest thing I got planned out is graduate college. Anything after that is a blank. I have no idea what I wanna do for the rest of my life for a job, I don't know how I'm going to pay off my student loans, I have no idea where I'm going to live, I don't have a love interest where I could eventually marry like some friends are doing, just nothing. And it's scaring the living day lights out of me.
It's like I'm standing in one place, and I can see everyone taking a step to get further and further to what they want. Everyone is moving forward and it feels like I'm getting left behind.
Sitting here at my dad's house doing literally nothing for half the day really makes me think of what am I going to do with myself? I came out here to Oklahoma to find a job, but even here nearly no one is hiring. The places I picked out, I haven't even submitted the application yet. Though I need to work to earn the money for next summer, I don't want to work. And I have a strong feeling that I won't get hired on my own, only if my dad asks his friends to put in a good word, or talks to the manager or something. Then it feels like I'm not earning it, my first job was the same way. My mother, and her boyfriend were friends of the manager who gave me an interview but I knew I was going to get hired either way.
I just feel like I have no future. I'll be standing in the same spot for years to come, all alone.