Just to say.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
11:33 AM
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Racism just plain sucks, and should disappear off the face of the earth.
Like now.
My eyes...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
2:36 PM
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Listening to: My teacher teacher lecturing Mood: Sick, irritated, in pain
 I just want to claw my eyes out. They hurt so much. This morning when I was walking to class at 9 o'clock and I could barely keep my eyes open while walking. It's was so bright, and the fact that they are sensitive at the moment (and all ready sensitive to the fact that their lighter in color) that it hurts more than normal.
Even now after being awake for a few hours they still hurt. After ART 100 I'm going to get some Jamba juice, pick up a package I have and pass out in hopes to sooth my eyes.
Reina hun.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
7:59 AM
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Listening to: The alarm going off from across the room Mood: Still semi-sick
Reina, hun, please grow a backbone. Yes, I'm thrilled to have met such a nice and kind girl like you. I've never met anyone who makes me seem cruel when compared to you. I'm happy because you prove to me that there are good people still left in the world who sticks to their morals.
But if you are being abused the way you are, you have to stand up for yourself. If she stole your stuff you shouldn't let her get away with it, it's your room too. It's your stuff. Don't let her walk all over you when you confront her about it. If she laughed in your face when you confronted her, yes it's going to hurt, but stand your ground! She could be thrown in jail for stealing.
And from what hearing about what happened last night, you need to get her kicked out. Any kind of violence against, whether it's physical or emotional, is still abuse. You shouldn't be scared to sleep in your room, you shouldn't feel fear in your own home. Tell someone about, and don't stop until something is done.
Reina, this is the world. It is cruel, and not everyone is going to be kind enough to help you. So please stand your ground, and not let people walk all over you.
The kilt.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
3:45 PM
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Listening to: Again [English Ver.] -- Yui Mood: Amused
I walked into the dorm computer lab since I can never focus enough to write papers on my own computer, and saw a dressed in a blue, green kilt. It was freakin' awesome, it definitely made my day. Especially since I was almost late to two of my classes (Thank you bus system for being untrustworthy)
Now I better finish my reading, and paper that I have to do. Hooray for Evolution and Human Origins class.