It's been awhile
Monday, January 26, 2009
4:36 PM
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Mood: Somewhere between stressed and shocked Listening: Phantom of the Opera by Nightwish
It's been awhile since I've last updated my blog. A lot's been happening since the last addition. To get rid of the negative stuff first, our soccer team has officially given up. The last two games we haven't made a single score and they have creamed us really bad. I'm not going to say the exact score but it was at least over five goals on us each game.
This week as well is regionals for choir, and I'm so nervous. I still don't have my song down and I have to preform this Friday in front of my fellow classmates that are doing the same as me. Though I am doing something a bit different. I chose to do just the solo and not the actual regionals since I don't really want to try and be in the state choir or sight read in front of everyone. But still!
I can't tame my nerves when I'm singing and all the French I'm sing makes it even harder. And I barely have had time to work with my accompanist. My choir director can not to the piano part of my song so when we put two and two together it's really difficult. Today I had a small practice with my director and the accompanist for my song and I kept screwing up which was really pissing me off cause I know it. I was looking at the notes and stills screwing up. And another thing, in this song I got pretty high notes which I can hit when I'm at home practicing but when I'm preforming I crack or can't make them.
...I'm doomed.
 On a lighter note, I'm going to the An Cafe concert in Anaheim!! I was able to convince my mother to let me go. So one thing on my checklist is done. Now what's left is... - Get a second job
- Get from $400-500 by April
- Make sure everyone going gets to up to $400
- Make sure Breezy's car is up and running by April for the road trip to Anaheim
- Buy the tickets
- Book the hotel room
- Have enough food for the trip
...And I think there should be more but I can't think of anything right now. But the check list is going to be moved over to the side bar so I can keep up with the things I need to do since if I would write it on a piece of paper it would forever be lost on my desk. I guess that's it for now. There's a lot more I have to talk about but then I won't have anything else to talk about tomorrow. And this entry would super long.
Friday, January 16, 2009
9:57 PM
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Mood: Exhausted physically Listening: That's Not My Name by Ting Tings
Today was such a long day despite the fact I was able to skip out on my math quiz. Today was a 1:00 PM soccer game for us Varsity Soccer Girls, with the guys playing after us at 3:00 PM. But after the 1:00 mark, there still wasn't any referees around to start the game. Apparently no one from the school had called them to tell them about the game,another reason to add to the list of why I hate my high school. There was such a close chance of having us go home but someone was able to contact a referee for our game. Now we had to wait for another twenty minutes after waiting for an hour and ten minutes to just get a hold of the referee.
For once though, the weather was nice to the point where we could wear short sleeves without worry. And the sun was out so it felt really good. Somehow during the wait I feel asleep on the field while listening to my iPod. Hehehe. The next thing I knew was Emilo (our coach) was calling out my name to wake up so I have no idea how long I was asleep or how the wait actually was.
The game was long, like usual everyone was at each others throats so we lost because of it. 4-1. :/
I feel like I'm suppose to be writing more than I am, but all well.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
8:14 PM
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Mood: Hurt Listening: L'Anneau D'Argent Currently me and my best friend, Katie, aren't talking at the moment. This is our first fight that has lasted over days in twelve years of knowing each other so I'm starting to fall into some sort of depression. The fourth day of not talking to her actually hit me extremely hard, I broke down about four times, twice at school. I don't think I've ever done that before. I guess it shows how much Katie means to me. And I'm completely responsible for the fight which only makes me even more miserable. My best guy friend, Eric, even said this to us, 'We complete each other.' Though it may sound weird but it's true. Our personalities compliment each other which is the reason why we are so close. Hopefully we'll talk soon cause I don't think I can handle it much longer. But on another note I saw that Kaitlyn has post up some of the New Years party pictures which I shall now post. But I MUST point this out first before I move on to all the pictures.  Here's one picture taken of me. Now this picture reminds me of a character of a manga/anime. Belphegor, who is an insane assassin.
 Note the similar similes!? O.O Does that mean I'm a crazy assassin who has an obsession with blood and knives? We were standing outside since 11:00, but we got some cider to make a toast to the new year.
 All the people who were at the party. Starting from the left; Katie, Andrea, Martika, Kaitlyn, me, Jessica, and Krystal.
 You can see the huge bon fire we built~
 A toast to a new year. 2009, the year we graduate and start our lives.
 Back inside getting more cider. I wish I could re-live that night. It was such a great party and it was so much fun. I was glad that none of the guys were there, they would have ruined the party like last time on Halloween.
My God.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
9:06 PM
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Mood: Extremely Irritated Listening: The Poet and the Pendulum by Nightwish
I'm officially tired of my team. I'm worn down from all the negativity that goes on the Varsity soccer team. It's only about four to five girls who are causing it all but it's so frickin' irritating. They talked crap about our own teammates, and tons of other stuff that similar. But today was especially annoying since we were stuck on the bus for about ten hours all together today. Ten frickin' hours.
The Junior Varsity girls came with us as well, but they act as a family and are so nice to each other. It's literally a family. They call their coach Papa, and they do everything together, support each other and etc. But those five girls previously mentioned were so rude to them and their coach to the point that I was embarrassed for being on the same team as them.
And it gets pretty bad when the referees even call those same people bitches. Shows how much our team works together huh?
I just wanna go to bed but I have math homework to finish. I was kindly reminded why I don't do math on a bus.
Monday, January 5, 2009
5:38 AM
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Mood: Irritated Listening: Fences by Paramore

Break is over and school is back in session... which sucks.
I just noticed... the entry below isn't suppose to be dated Dec. 20 but Jan. 2... O.o
Edit 3:00PM: So I will try and announce this wonderful news as calm as possible. ... AN CAFE IS COMING TO AMERICA FOR THEIR TOUR~!!!  And what's even greater is that it'll be on the west coast in Cali. I'm all ready planning on going to the Los Angeles concert. The real challenge is getting the money and convincing my mother. Main goal is my mother, money isn't a big problem. My dad told me that I should try and aim for $300 together. Though I'm kinda bummed since the east coast isn't going to see An Cafe unless they fly over to the west coast. I mean I'm kinda toren cause I wanted to see An Cafe with Tati, but I'm worried she isn't going to be able to come. I'm going to have to talk to her. But that is the great news that I found out today. SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!