Happy New Years
Saturday, December 20, 2008
6:40 PM
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Mood: Creative Listening: Misery Business by Paramore Happy New Years Everyone!!
This year I actually got invited to two parties. The King of Stupidness (to make the story short, I'm attempting to become his friend again) and Kaitlyn's parties. Since Katie's car broke down for reasons still unknown, I have been her ride for the last few days. First was Mike's party, we got there a few hours early cause Kay (Katie) and I agreed to leave around nine o'clock to head over to Kaitlyn's party. I believe we arrived at Mike's around five-ish, but we soon left with Mike and Colton to pick up Mikiki (Mickey, or Michela) from her house. On the way there we were blasting the Paramore CD that was in, all of us singing at the tone of our lungs. It was fun. And when we added Mikiki to the mix, she and Mike were head banging in the back, almost knocking each other in the heads. I was kinda hoping that would happen so I could tell them; " Told ya so." But it didn't -___- Somehow during Mike's party, which didn't have a lot of people cause it was more of his mother's party, turned into a band rehersal. (The only people were there were Kay, Mikiki, Colton, Mike, and me). Mike has been trying to make a band, and he want's Kay to be a lead singer. Mikiki just likes music a lot so she was helping them doing a cover for a Paramore song, True Heart, or something like that. Colton and I were just lying on the couch doing nothing really since there was nothing for us to do. I had enough of Paramore for one night so I plugged my iPod blasting in my ears so I could drown it out. I kept watching the Summer Dive PV by An Cafe since I was able to upload it into my new iPod nano. This is the first time I actually got some sort of mp3 player that has a screen!But during their practice I took a picture of them with my phone. None of them were paying attention so it was rather easy.  Kay, Colton beside her.
 Mike playing his guitar.
 Mikiki on drums. Though some time during the 'practice' I got annoyed cause Mike kept ordering Kay what to do, so it was really getting on my nerves.
I was actually really happy that we had left at nine to leave for Kaitlyn's. It was time to really party! I love Kaitlyn's parties, they're always so much fun! The first hour we just sat in her room gossiping/predicting. Most of the time we were talking about how Kay was going to be like in the future, since she loves guns we were predicting all these scenerios were she would pull out her 12-Gage and shoot someone. Or what she would be like with kids. It was pretty halirious stuff. >w<
Around 11:20 we lit a bon fire in the back of Kaitlyn's yard. A quick thing I should probably explain. Kaitlyn has a HUGE house with a lot of acres of land. It is also way out in Coyote Springs, which is a LARGE community for people with lots of acres of land, and it's placed way outside of town heading towards the mountains.
Though I don't think it was a good idea having a bon fire with Jessica around. She's a bit dizzy and she was wanting to jump over this huge fire we had going. -___- Honestly that girl... I never want to see her drunk.
As it got closer to midnight we all got cider to we could toast when the new year came. when the new year hit, we all toasted to our graduating year and have a wonderful year to experience.
The night went by past after that, I fell asleep half way through a movie were watching, House Bunny. I think it was because it did not appeal to my interest is why I fell asleep. The life of a Playboy Bunny is something I really don't care about. By this time I think it was some where between 2:30-3:30. But I didn't get to have a long, pleasent sleep. Jessica is a morning person. A morning person. She was up, waking a lot of people up around 8:30. Ugh.
Most of today I stayed at Kaitlyn's house with a few of the other girls that didn't have to leave. I think we just watched movies and TV all day. I was going to put in Howl's Moving Castle but I forgot the CD in my computer cause I watching it the day before... so we couldn't watch it. And Kaityln, Kay and I were looking forward to watching it. ;_;
Eventually we all left for home, It's just been a really long day... (two days actually -____-)
Guess that's it. :3
(Just a quiz result I was suppose to post in the last entry. >_>)
 Test your An Cafe knowledge!
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