I just want to scream!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
9:16 PM

Mood: Exhausted (mentally and physically)
Listening: A River Flows in You by Yurima & Noel Novelet by Loreena McKennitt

I finally bought a new binder \(^o^)/ It's pretty nice but it wasn't until after I bought it that one part of the inside, where it holds paper, is slightly ripped.


... yeah. It still works so I'm not going to complain. And it's bigger so I can hold more stuff in it. I do need to update it though cause I have a lot of my old stuff in it and you can definitely see the change in my drawing style.

So Tuesday was our winter concert for choir. I. wanted. to. scream. at. that. concert. I honestly can't understand why it seems to be so hard to not talk. All you do is shut your mouth, and wait until it's time for you to sing. But no. My choir, which consists of about 68 young women now (majority of them are immature Freshy and Sophy), have this need to constantly talk. And I nearly screamed at them for showing so much disrespect at that concert and the lack of acting professional.

Some alto girls talked while we were on stage during the performance. It was after we had sung our first song, Noel Novelet. It wasn't actually talking, but whispering. You still don't do that. You're never suppose to do that. Never.

There's still so much I want to vent on it, but I will choose wisely and not. I don't want to go to bed in a few minutes feeling angry. Apparently it's bad for you.

On weds. was the last day I got to see the Japanese foreign exchange student, Rika-chan (who became a nice friend). She won't be returning from the holidays, she'll be going back home around January before school starts for us again. It was a really sad day, I nearly cried when I hugged her for the last time.

I'm really happy I was able to give her some Christmas/going away presents. I made her a pink bracelet that had her name on it, along with two cute keychains. I hope she liked them. I was surprised though when she gave me some stuff as well, all of it was from Japan. I'll forever keep it and remember her.

EDIT: The smaller one is Rika-chan. I totally stole this from her facebook. XD

(I actually cut off my blog here last night, cause I fell asleep. And I shall continue now...)

Yesterday, the main reason why I was updating my blog, Katie and I were almost sideswiped. It was so scary that I actually felt sick in her car. For those who don't know what sideswiping is I'll try giving a detailed example;

Car A is driving straight, in their lane and is not turning or anything and is approaching a light where it's just turned red. All of a sudden Car B appears right next to Car A trying to get into the lane but is coming from the side. Car B has no blinker on and Car A is not in Car B's blind spot so Car B could see Car A if they looked. So Car B keeps going and slams into Car A from the side. Thus becoming a sideswipe.

That's what happened to us, except that Katie was able to react fast enough and slam on the breaks so this big SUV or whatever it was avoided us. But barely. It was so close that, like I said, felt sick. The person almost slammed right into Katie's side, and could have really messed up or even Katie if it actually happened. I think that was the main reason for me being so sick. If Katie got hurt I wouldn't be able to stand it.

Since I'm here, today was actually the last for the finals. All week I've been pretty much taking them and I'm pretty sure I did awesome on all of them, except my math final which I took today. I completely and utterly failed at this final, I'm positive of it.

I hate math!

Oh, before I forget to mention I've joined a 'nation-wide' project, though many people aren't really participating in it. The 1000 Paper Crane Project. It's really actually for American Cafekko to do if they want to. The project consist of, of course, making 1000 paper cranes together and sending it over seas for (hopefully) Valentines Day to An Cafe. But some of us Cafekko are putting together a scrape book of the Cafekko in America, and we are allowed to send small gifts and such to them as well. I honestly think it's a great idea to do. Hopefully it'll motivate them to tour in America.

um, let me think
o(≧∀≦)o NYAPPY!
(I think I'm going to use that photo in the scrape book.)


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