
Monday, November 17, 2008
5:56 PM

I'm so tired right now, it's hard to even keep my eyes open right now but I'll finish my blog entry first.

Today was so long inching forward for what felt like an eternity. Each class took forever to finish and even after school was draining with soccer practice and a Relay For Life Meeting. But a few things have happened the past few days that I should probably write down.

First off, I've changed my concentration idea for AP Art. I'm going to be making a calender for my 2-D Portfolio. I think it'll be fun since I have so many ideas and it's easy to do, nothing as hard as I tried doing previously before which was making a mini comic. I'll try doing eventually but for now I'm going to wait until my skills improve first. Now I just need to work on my Breadth pieces which is art work of variety of media. Not to hard, just picking and doing it is the biggest thing. Also I have to work on my five original pieces which are suppose to be the best of the best you have. So I need to start working on that... like now.

I've finally gotten Breaking Dawn to read!!! I'm all ready almost done with the book, about 300 more pages but I don't think I can finish tonight. I'll probably finish it tomorrow easy since it's an early release. I'm so excited~

Since I've been so busy I've been a bit lonely. I haven't seen my best friend Katie in what feels like forever. Honestly, I don't see her at all pretty much all day. She leaves school before I do, and we don't have classes together. The only time is lunch but I've been super busy during lunch as well. ~_~ I miss Kay-chan... It's not like I don't want to be with her it's just this year I want to do all I can before I leave the school. I'm in the art club, doing relay for life, soccer manager, and working. It's probably a big reason why I'm getting really stressed out lately.

But luckily I've been listening to my CD; Gokutama Rock Cafe by An Cafe. o(≧∀≦)o Since I was so impatient for it to be release in the US and I didn't want to spend extra money to ship it over sea I downloaded all the songs including the bonus Gokutama songs that were only put on the Europe released CDs and their newest mini CD: Ko Akuma Usagi no Koibumi to Machine Gun. A week after having it though news of Gokutama Rock Cafe of now being released to the US came out...



... all well. I have the bonus songs and their mini CD all on one CD. But it's only for me. <3 style="font-style: italic;">so.... NYAPPY! o(≧∀≦)o Tatiana is as excited as I am. I really hope that there's a possiblity that she and I can watch a concert together. Maybe Adam too (a fellow Cafekko).

Okay, okay I'll stop talking about my favorite J-Rock band (my favorite band in general really ☆). All weekend Colton has been without his favorite hat... because I've had it all weekend *snickers* Now he's all pissed off that I didn't give it to him so I told him to meet me by my car to get his hat after school. And then he's all like I'll get it tomorrow... IDIOT! I'll freakin' step on your white hat in revenge. He was all pissed off threatening Andrea and I about destroying out cars and he blows it off like nothing. -____- Boys suck.

NYAPPY o(≧∀≦)o


At November 18, 2008 at 5:04 AM, Blogger Resha said...

Uh, well, I don't know anything about that band, so I'll comment on Breaking Dawn! I've been struggling to finish that book as well, until my eyelids can barely hold xD Don't spoil anything, cause I think I haven't read as much as you have yet!


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