Happy birthdays and pranks~

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
1:39 PM

Happy Birthday Katie!!!
Yes, today is my best friend's birthday. We've official have known each other for half our lives meaning that it's been nine years since we've met and become close friends. And she's finally an adult along with me, though I still find it funny that she's much more mature compared to me. It's like she's the big sister and I'm the little sister. When it should be the other way around. Haha.

For her birthday I bought her a nice small bag that says 'music=life' and put in it the book Breaking Dawn along with some chocolates that she really likes, oh and a hand made card. Nothing to special cause she gets Christmas presents as well later on in the month. Like in two weeks so she can wait on getting more gifts. Though I'm a bit bummed out since I don't get to hang out with her for her birthday until Friday after she works. But hey it's better than nothing. I have no idea what we're going to do but we'll end up doing something fun. I bet we'll see a movie or something along the lines...

Another thing I MUST write about. The last class of the day for me is Spanish 2. The teacher can be so crazy at times but when she isn't teaching I think she's quite a nice person. But anyway, today I'm not feeling so great and it feels like the class is going on forever. We were split into partners and I was joking around with Christina, my partner, and said Melissa, who sits underneath the clock, should rig it. Christina and I looked at each other and grinned like no tomorrow. I turned around slight and called for Melissa who sits a bit in front of me.

"Melissa get the clock," I called out with a semi-whisper voice.

She looked up at the clock funny and then back to me. By this time Kelsey and Erin who was Melissa's partners were listening in. "What?"

"The clock. Get it."

Melissa looks at it again unsure.

"Get, you know g-e-t it." I spelled the word out just in case she thought I was saying something else. My throat is sore so it sounds a bit horser than usual. Christina by this time helped me out.

"Get the clock so we can change the time."

At first, Christina and I figured that Melissa wasn't going to do it, and just thought it was a fun idea to throw out into the open but Melissa actually stood up on the chair and reached for the little clock on the wall. I couldn't believe it that I instantly watched for the teacher instead of Melissa. I couldn't watch her. The teacher at the time was talking to another group, her back to us. Melissa eventually got it down with tons of urging from Kelsey, Erin, and Christina. Some of the people saw what was happening and were watching laughing.
By this time I'm cracking up, I hit my face in my sweatshirt because I knew I was bright red from laughing. When Melissa got it down and everything went into panic. The teacher hadn't turned around yet but no one knew how long that was going to last. Christina, Erin, Kelsey and even Devin who was across the room at the time were being semi-loud telling Melissa to hurry up and turn the dial to change the time. Melissa was freaked out, unsure of what she was doing. At first she was turning the dial the wrong way but Christina took charge telling Melissa what to do.

Melissa finally moved the time twenty minutes forward, and manged to put the clock back on the wall without the teacher noticing. I'm not sure how exactly we pulled it off but we did. She didn't have a clue, and believed the time when someone exclaimed out loud, "It's time to go Mrs. _______" (Teacher's name will not be used).

I don't think I have laugh so hard in a long time. My cramps were killing me by the end of the 'actual' class. It took her almost ten minutes after the bell hadn't rung to figure out that the clock wasn't right. But no one gave names and she isn't sure how the clock changed so it looks like Melissa's safe. Though I would never would have thought Melissa would actually do it cause Melissa is a girl who is really shy and hesitant when it comes to certain things but honestly I give her kudos for doing it.

I think I'll actually bring her some chocolate tomorrow for risking the trouble.

But at the same time I felt bad for doing that to Mrs. ______. All well. It was funny, and it probably won't happen again.

Well I should get going now since I have to go to soccer. I really don't want to because of how I'm feeling but I missed Monday due to a choir thing (I had to choose my solo essamble which is going to be a French Song known as The Silver Ring [English title], but I don't know if I'll sing it in French or English yet), and Tuesday I was 'sick'. But now I'm really am starting to get sick. Karma has it out for me.


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