I need to update this more.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
6:53 PM

Listening to: Missing vs. Crawling
Mood: Bleh

I honestly need to update this blog more often. My last entry was way back in the middle of July with quiz results! I'll try my best to keep this updated, not like anyone really reads my entries. Maybe I should get more of my friends to join blogger. I wouldn't mind reading their entries either.

Anyways, I'm currently living with my mom again until college starts. Long story short; got in a fight with dad, had to pay my insurance ($148.06) without any help, left completely broke, can't live for a month on $20.00 so thus I moved back in with my mom for a short while. Just until I can move into my dorm on Aug. 20th.

There really isn't anyone down here my age, except a 19 year old kid named Collin I believe. I've only met him once and it was real brief. But we're going to hang out tomorrow, I dunno what we're going to do though. So to pass my days I've been playing MMORPGs and helping my friend beta a server when the game officially goes up. I'm going to be a GM so it'll be very interesting, and I have to be very active on the serve but I don't really see a problem. I've been on the server once with a character all ready made and it seems like it'll be a real fun game once everything is working correctly and there's more people around.

That's it for now. :3


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